April 27, 2002: Golden Week holidays started,to Fukuoka
Golden Week holidays start today. "Will you drive out together with us?" I got a good call this morning from my friend.
They showed up with a just-delivered brand-new car. Today is the first drive with it.
The car accommodates seven passengers. The seat is really comfortable. Above all, a car navigation is great. The new car made us feel to buy a new car as well.

This is Yamada service area. Some large camping cars are at rest as well.
This is today's destination, a huge shopping corner.

We look through the large building of COSTCO. We found "America" here filled with many goods we have long been wanted to buy.
The size of a cart is America itself.
The large new car swallowed all of the items we bought.
Next destination is a Vietnamese restaurant Southern Cross (Ngoi Sao.)

Reservation was powerless in an Asian open and natural atmosphere.
We have to wait almost an hour before "Bottoms up!" in the crowded restaurant.
My close friend Tomoko, who will get behind the wheel back home, and his kid drink tea.
A Vietnamese family runs this good restaurant, gathering many guests like this.
We have to wait patiently for dishes in the Asian pace.

Tomato and egg dish.
Rice threads mixed with cuttlefish, octopus, shrimp, and other fish tastes very good.
Real Vietnamese dishes, fresh Harumaki and steamed Gyouza with wonderful pepper sauces. The dishes make us much more hungry.

Vietnamese dishes were lightly seasoned food with abundant vegetables. They also made our eyes enjoy.
Today's catches
My husband has long been wanted to get a globe and he could find it very easily today.
Our favorite American foods such as mixed nuts, no-sweet pickle, and long-cherished Folger's canned coffee. I am very happy to learn that we can get such American foods whenever we go to COSTCO, an America in Japan.
Today's biggest game was a garden table set. More than two decades, we have wanted to buy it in the US. We actually bought it once, but gave up to know the delivery cost to Japan even on boat. The table will be delivered later. The parasol bloomed one step ahead in my garden.
Thank you very much, dear friends.
to be continued