
2001 USA-Germany Travel Record

October 4, 2001: Washington DC

Mr. Tsukamoto goes back to New York Office today. National airport was already opened after the terror attack today, but it could be some difficulties in the airport. He therefore gets a train. In the morning, I washed cloths, wrote post cards, and saw off him. After that, we went to a supermarket in Watergate Complex for food shopping and taking lunch at patio.

The day before yesterday, we were too tired to visit the Capitol Hill. Today, we got on a subway and visited National Library in which we were deeply impressed on our last time visit.

The building is really beautiful equipped with white marble relief and sculptures. The special exhibition today was Japanese Ukiyoe collection of Hokusai Katsushika, Utamaro, and Kunishige.

The next white building is Supreme Court. The atmosphere is grave and above being familiar. I asked a policeman in a patrol car if we could look inside. He said "I am not sure, but please ask the security agent on the entrance." We climbed the high stone steps hesitatingly. The security agent smiled and said OK. We were delighted.

We were late to the last guided tour, but we could see many panels on the wall. I asked a young security agent if we could take a picture. He said OK and kindly took a picture for us. I felt I could make a breakthrough by asking positively with courage. The statue is a supreme court Chief Justice who served more than 34 years as a guardian of justice.

Finally, we came up to the United States Capitol Building. There are many people and cars around. A CNN reporter is relaying some program with a TV camera. I understand that a familiar newscaster on TV is actually airing news to the world in this way.

A Stars and Stripes flaps in the deep blue sky on the background of white building.

Many people such as patrol cars, police, ambulance cars and others tightly guard the Capitol. I saw for the first time some soldiers with gun in hand.

After visiting high-tensioned Capitol, we walked through the thick green forest in which many squirrels are playing on the lawn and came up to the Union Station in order to get a subway.

After a rest for a while, we came to a rental car company AVIS in downtown. We will get a rental car from today.

With close consultant to a street map, we got back to the apartment. My husband managed to drive through the complicated one-way abundant streets of DC and back to the underground garage. We will visit an Internet friend in West Virginia tomorrow.

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