
How many sleeps will bring you a New Year? by Mie
I dropped on Oita South Post Office today as I have something to do there. Many people fill the Office and I could narrowly find a space in the temporary parking lot.

A pair of the New Year's pine decorates the entrance.
This special post swallows New Year's greeting cards.

The boy may drop himself into the mailbox instead of a bunch of greeting cards. He seems to be here on errands.
After that, I turned myself to Wasada Shopping Mall and made a big bargain.

Christmas decorations were already removed completely and New Year's items fill the mall.

Many luxurious Shimekazari, or New Year's ornaments, seem to call up the year of 2002. I bought one of them, but not so big, the leftmost tiny one. The Shimekazari (The crops of the harvest are offered to the gods in thanks and pray for good harvests in the coming year) will be hoisted on the entrance door tomorrow.

Are you ready to welcome the coming New Year?

December 30, 2001: Will new spring come to us?
We cleaned up around the house and set up a Shimekazari decoration. I feel as if the New Year has just arrived in advance.
High windows and net screens should also be cleaned up.
I drove out for shopping again. There are many miniature dolls of Eto, Oriental Zodiac. We will have a "Horse year" next year, "my" year. All Horse dolls are colorful and lovely.
Here comes chopstick stand. I bought a couple of new chopstick for the coming year.
I prepare "Osechi" dish in the afternoon. All the pans and bowls are ready for use. I still have a long way down to tomorrow to dish up the New Year.