
May 23, 2001: National Diet Building and Metropolitan Police Board
It is drizzling this morning. We borrowed umbrellas at the hotel and walked out.
The slope is called Sannou-saka.
On the right is Member's Club of House of Representatives (No.1 bldg) and No.2 bldg on the left. In the front the slope is National Diet bldg.
This is Member's Club of House of Representatives (No.1 bldg.)
Prime Minister's Official Residence.
New Prime Minister's Official Residence is under construction. On the right is the entrance to subway station Sannou-Tameike.

The picture was taken from the back entrance of the hotel.
Many prefabricated houses are on the construction site. Police guards the roads around the site 24 hours a day.
The new building will be completed in 2004. What the building will be?
I turned to Akasaka slope district. A tall Torii gate of Hie Shrine stands directly. There is an outdoor escalator by the stone stairway. The building behind it is Capitol Tokyu Hotel.
I walked around the Shrine, passed Hibiya high school and got back to the front entrance of the hotel.
After breakfast, we again walked out. This is a famous Japanese restaurant Hyoutei.
We will look around Diet building. Many people flocked at the entrance of a side entrance. It looks like a press conference. The scene is popular on TV. I realized the politic of Japan was made in this way.
Today, the House of Councilors is open to public. I fill out the application form.
Six high school students and a couple of American joined the guided tour as well. Taking picture in Diet is strictly prohibited.
The Diet building required 17 years until completion in 1936. All the materials were procured from every part of Japan, except three items such as stained glass, mailing system (imported from USA), and key and lock. The latest arts of architecture were employed then in the construction.
We looked around the Hall of the House of Councilors, red carpet on the corridor, central hall, and imperial rooms. After leaving the building, we passed through the front garden in which the trees of prefectures are planted. I found our Oita prefecture's tree "Bungo Ume" in the garden.
The guide officer kindly took a picture for us. The tour was over. This is the first visit to Diet since I graduated high school.
Next, we visited Supreme Court, but the tour requested one day prior application. My old mother was once visited here to win the award of a Blue Ribbon Medal.

The promenade encircling the Imperial Palace was in the drizzle. Some joggers enjoy running through the beautiful greens.
We then visited Metropolitan Police Board at Sakurada-Gate. A young female police officer guided us to the exhibition hall that displays the history of the Board since Meiji era.
We ended up today with the drop in to Akihabara PC shops. We looked through some PCs. We were very tired today at last.
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