
April 15, 2001: Argerich Music Festival
The 3rd Argerich Music Festival started from yesterday in Beppu City.

Today, we have a performance by Quartet Excelsior who will play in the 27th Yufuin Music Festival (YMF) in this summer. I came up here to distribute the brochures of YMF. The Argerich Music Festival will be held at B-con Plaza. The Global Tower (center) soars high in the sky in the distance.
B-con Plaza was designed by Arata Isozaki, a prominent architect from Oita Prefecture, featuring its glazed structure.
Large signboard is made in wisteria violet, the image color of the year. I found another board of Martha Argerich in the hall.
Many volunteer staff work busy wearing T-shirt uniforms.
We still have a long time before the opening, but many audience gather at the reception desk with great expectation of the performance.
YMF volunteers distribute the 27th MYM handbills.

We have distributed about 1,000 handbills to the visitors. I hope many of them will read the program carefully and join our festival in summer.

YMF volunteers, from left, Mr. & Mrs. Kato, Mr. Satoh, me, Ms. Kibe, and Ms. Yoneta.
Well, the opening is closing. I entered Philharmonic Hall, the site of the Festival.

I took the seat in the area reserved for the families of Quartet Excelsior artists. We exchanged greetings for the first time since Yufuin Music Festival in 1999.

The chamber music started with the performance by Quartet Excelsior. The program was J.S.Bach Concerto d-minor, BWV.1052 piano by Alan Weiss. We took a picture with the artists. Click the picture to enlarge.
There are many variations tonight, from classical music, tango, jazz and other Latin music. They are very good as Martha Argerich-like performance. The program is named as "Marathon Concert."

I the break for an hour, they sell supper boxes in the lobby.

One of my close friends Mr. Abe, left, was a seller.
There are many tables in the lobby for taking supper. A tea ceremony corner is provided as well. People are enjoying exchanges here and there pleasantly.
We also took supper here over talking about the impression of the performance tonight.

After the break, Excelsior members joined another program, Frank, Piano Quintette f-minor. Thunderous applause broke when Martha Argerich finished her program, Mendelssohn Piano Trio No.1 d-minor played together with Takashi Shimizu, violin, and Jian Wang, cello. Tonight, I have enjoyed a luxurious concert with many kinds of music.

I hope many guests will join us in coming YMF this summer.

Oita Coara   Tenjin Coara  Mie Home  Y.M.F.