2001.3.19: Old friends

My mother is making a remarkably untroubled recovery. The complete nursing care makes me free.

On my way back from the hospital, I visited my old friend.


Ms. Sayo was my close friend in junior and junior high school.

We also visited my mother's friend nearby.

Ms. Yamato loves flower very much and breed them very well. She is the same age as my mother.


In the garden are camellia, Christmas rose, and pansy.

In the room are wonderful cymbidiums.

Pleasant chatting on flower and my mother made us forget time.

2001.3.20: Visiting old friend, part 2

Before going to the hospital, I dropped in an old friend in my high school days.

She loves flower very much as well. I have heard that she is very good at growing pansy.

Ivy covers block walls to give wonderful atmosphere of the house.


She was my senior by one year at the high school. We close cooperated in the publication group.

She is also growing cymbidiums very well.

She served me with homemade cookie of sweet chestnut boiled with astringent skin.

We -were-there-picture at the gate.

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